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Allows to get components of serie for which itemSize > 1.

For instance, for a serie named U with itemSize=2 and dimension=2, components names will be Ux and Uy (2 components).

For a serie named U with itemSize=3 and dimension=3, components names will be Ux, Uy and Uz (3 components).

For a serie named S with itemSize=3 and dimension=2 (symmetric rank 2 tensor of dim 2), components names will be Sxx, Sxy and Syy (3 components).

For a serie named S with itemSize=4 and dimension=2 (general rank 2 tensor of dim 2), components names will be Sxx, Sxy, Syx and Syy (4 components).

For a serie named S with itemSize=6 and dimension=3 (symmetric rank 2 tensor of dim 3), components names will be Sxx, Sxy, Sxz, Syy, Syz and Szz (6 components).

For a serie named S with itemSize=9 and dimension=3 (general rank 2 tensor of dim 3), components names will be Sxx, Sxy, Sxz, Syx, Syy, Syz, Szx, Szy and Szz (9 components).

For all other series, index number are appended to the serie's name, starting at zero. That is to say, for a serie named E with itemSize=5, components names will be E0, E1, E2, E3 and E4.


  • ComponentDecomposer


  • Decomposer


